hi all. so, today is my last full day in california and my last venue visit is today! it has been stressful, to say the least, but if all goes well today i will have a venue set!!!
in the meantime, i thought i'd at least update about SOMETHING! and what better than SHOES?! hahaha. here are some shoes i'm considering with my dress. =)
all captions are below the shoe it goes with!

these babies are so freaking cute. i could eat them. yum!

these are also cute, but might be too dark with my dress?


THESE ARE SO FUN! you guys might think i'm nuts, but i think they are SOOOO FUN! but they don't match my dress at all! i think i might just buy them for myself. =) but mr. zok might yell at me cuz my shoe rack is overflowing right now! hahaha. and he hates snake skin. =)

these are similar to the ones above!

these are cute, but i don't think they will match the shade of purple i want for my bridesmaid dresses!

brown brown brown. whenever i think of brown, i think of last season project runway when heidi calls the crazy girl's brown dress a "sad little brown dress." the way she says it is so freaking funny!


these are cute, but not very wedding-y. i think i have an aversion to closed-toed dress-up shoes.
what are some good shoe websites? these are from zappo and piperlime. and i think nordstrom too!
stay tuned for venue hopping pictures!