I have been searching online for the perfect wedding shoe. I found the BEAUTIFUL shoe below on nordstrom.com, but it was too expensive and i wanted to figure out if I really wanted to wear 4" shoes, so I was waiting for them to go on sale to decide. they never went on sale, and now there are only sizes 5 and 10 left. so i am =(.
I was on zappos.com forEVER today, and I finally found another shoe that I liked, but of course in very jennie-nature, they were really expensive! and they were plain ivory, which i think is sort of boring. so i decided to go on ebay and weddingbee.com to find shoes that were being sold at cheaper rates since people cancel weddings or change their mind about shoes, like i might...
while on weddingbee.com, i found these lovely shoes that are half a size too big but so cheap! and brand new! they're being sold at half price! so i contacted the seller and am contemplating buying them and just putting insoles in. aren't the bows so cute?! and these babies are 3.5" tall, which means that my FMIL will not be happy (she wants me to wear flats).
but while on ebay, i found the pair of shoes that i liked from zappos except in navy blue! i liked them immediately but wondered if they went with my color palette, but they were being sold at 25% of the going rate! so i decided to bid on them just on a whim, and I WON JUST LIKE THAT! so now I have accidentally purchased these shoes! And I must return them in a week if i dont like them! But right now, i do like them... it's just a matter of what do i like better??