Thursday, July 24, 2008

stationery inspiration!

recently, my old friend veronica shin became veronica kim. she just posted pictures of her wedding on facebook and i was FLOORED at how pretty the entire shebang was. it was in true veronica shin/kim fashion. i told mr. zok that the wedding was outdoors in 105 degree heat and then 95 degree heat at nighttime, and mr. zok's response: sorry, but i would not get married! he is kidding... i hope. =) but here is my favorite favorite FAVORITE part of her wedding:

she had this cute theme of books throughout her wedding since her family is obsessed with books, so her wedding planner last-minute thought of this brilliant idea to make her guestbook in old card-catalogue fashion! so those pink and white papers are little card catalogue slips. SWOON! [picture courtesy of] maybe i am obsessed with this because i am an english teacher.

then today i ran across this in the bride and bloom magazine at borders.

they are RECIPE CARDS! and they are so cute! if i were a baker or a cook, i would totally do these. but i am neither. i am actually domestically challenged.

c'mon brain! be creative! what will we do for our cute paper goods? esp if i gocco them? =/

1 comment:

ky said...

library date stamp cards!